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Why Delaware Needs
an Office of the Inspector General

Delaware needs an independent and nonpartisan Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to provide oversight of government agencies and ensure the public has confidence in how they operate.

Thirty-five states and the District of Columbia have an OIG at the state or local level. In 2024, Delaware has the opportunity to join them.

Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 21 would create a Delaware Office of the Inspector General with the authority to investigate state agencies and state-funded entities for fraud, waste, mismanagement, and corruption.  Introduced by Sen. Laura Sturgeon in March, the bill is currently awaiting a hearing in the Senate Finance Committee. Learn how you can reach out to the committee members here.

Delaware Office of the Inspector General

  • Independent and nonpartisan, and not engaged in partisan elections or campaigns.
  • Chosen by an independent selection committee to serve a renewable 5-year term.
  • Ensure government agencies act in the public interest.
  • Ensure public officials perform their duties in accordance with their Oath of Office.
  • Ensure protections for whistleblowers who report wrongdoing.
  • Save taxpayer money by recovering misspent funds and preventing governmental waste.

Delaware has long struggled with having an open and transparent government that is accountable to residents and taxpayers. In 2015, the Center for Public Integrity ranked Delaware as the 48th worst state for its systems to deter corruption. The time for change is now!

An independent, nonpartisan Office of the Inspector General would fill a void in our state government and benefit state agencies by assisting them to efficiently and effectively carry out their missions, reinforcing agency policies and procedures, and investigating wrongdoing if necessary, while working cooperatively with the Department of Justice and the Auditor of Accounts.

The authority of the OIG will enhance public trust in our government by ensuring that state officials perform their duties in accordance with their Oath of Office, which places the public interest before any personal or special interests.

Most other states have an OIG at some level, and these offices have recovered billions in misspent taxpayer dollars while deterring further corruption and other wrongdoing. It is time for Delaware to create an independent, nonpartisan Office of the Inspector General to provide the oversight and accountability that the public deserves.

For all of these reasons, DelCOG supports passage of SS 1 for SB 21. And your voice – the voice of the people – is vitally important: it will help to ensure that members of the General Assembly know their constituents expect them to pass this legislation and that Governor Carney will sign the bill into law. Be sure to write and call your Senator and Representative today to let them know that you, too, support passage of this bill.

Read the text of the bill here, along with its sponsors and fiscal note.

Steps You Can Take