Letter of Support

Delaware office of
the Inspector General

We, the undersigned Delaware organizations, support SB 21 to establish a Delaware Office of the Inspector General. We urge the General Assembly to pass this important legislation this session and ask Governor John Carney to sign it into law.

We are pleased by the bipartisan support for establishing this Office, a testament both to the need and the desire on both sides of the aisle to address possible corruption, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in state agencies.

When state agencies fail in their missions, exceed their boundaries, or ignore their inherent responsibilities, the public has the right to demand solutions and to expect them to be implemented – a role the Inspector General would fulfill via oversight and investigation.

A dedicated, nonpartisan, and independent Office of the Inspector General ultimately would enhance public trust in our government for the benefit of our citizens, our workforce, and our environment.

By exercising its authority, the Office of the Inspector General will save Delaware taxpayer money and ensure that government agencies conduct affairs with honesty and integrity for the benefit of all. The citizens of the First State deserve no less.


Delaware Coalition for Open Government
American Civil Liberties Union of Delaware
Campaign to End Debtors’ Prisons
Civic League for New Castle County
Common Cause Delaware
Delaware Audubon Society
Delaware Press Association
H.O.M.E.S. Campaign
Inland Bays Foundation
Lead-Free Delaware
League of Women Voters of Delaware
Network Delaware
Sussex Health and Environmental Network
Sussex Preservation Coalition
Working Families Party

Interested in Signing?

We need your help to make sure this legislation is signed into law! Organizations who are interested in joining the letter of support can fill out the information below to sign-on.

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